My Story

United States
Welcome to LittleLicious! A place for food, fashion, and fun for your little ones! I am a busy mommy and designer who is constantly looking for ways to make nutritious meals that don't take a lot of time! Here you will find great recipes and shortcuts, fabulous fashion, and fun activities to do with your kids! Thanks for visiting!


Featured Fun

Sorting and Learning Colors Activity

Sharpen those sorting skills and help your toddler learn their colors with a few inexpensive items!  On a recent trip to the craft store, I grabbed a bag of Pompoms and a couple of colorful foam containers that were on sale 3 for $1.  I put them in front of my little guy and asked him to put the pompoms in the matching color container.  Watching the wheels in his head turn was awesome!  This kept him busy for a good 30 minutes, and he was so proud to when he got the right colors in the correct container!

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